
18 North Street, Armadale
EH48 3QB
Tel: 01501 730432


Blackridge Health Centre
Fleming Place, Blackridge, EH48 3SS
Tel: 01501 751238
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Contact your GP practice online
Please select if you are registered at Armadale or Blackridge to start your online form:


At Barbauchlaw Medical Practice in West Lothian our doctors and nurses take great pride in offering the highest standard of patient-centred healthcare. We cover Armadale, Blackridge, Westfield, Heartlands and Greenrigg. A detailed map can be found in our reception.

Our Website

Please use the "Contact your GP practice online" blue bar below to access eConsult. You can use the menu on the top right to browse through information on the practice, order repeat prescriptions, read our practice news, find out about the services we provide, and find out about the team who work at our practice.


Our sites are purpose-built and are fully equipped for all users. All patient areas including reception, consulting rooms and toilets have wheelchair access.


Our car park is staff only car parking. For health and safety reasons, vehicles are not permitted to park at the entrance to car park, including in front of the gates.

A disabled bay is available in front of the main entrance to the building.